(refreshed on Fridays)
problem sets are posted on Fridays, the deadline for submission is Monday (10 days later), and the discussion of the solutions are on Thursdays 13:15-14:00 on zoom
Problem Set 0.
post date: Sept. 25.
discussion date: Oct.1.
Problem Set 1.
post date: Oct.2.
submission date: Oct.12.
discussion date: Oct.15.
Problem Set 2.
post date: Oct.9.
submission date: Oct.19.
discussion date: Oct.22.
Please submit on Moodle!
Problem Set 3.
post date: Oct.16.
submission date: Nov.3.
discussion date: Nov.5
Please submit on Moodle!
Problem Set 4
post date: Oct.23.
submission date: Nov.9.
discussion date: Nov.12.
Please submit on Moodle!
Problem Set 5.
post date: Nov.6.
submission date: Nov.16.
discussion date: Nov.19.
Please submit on Moodle!
Problem Set 6.
post date: Nov.13.
submission date: Nov.23.
discussion date: Nov.26.
Please submit on Moodle!
Problem Set 7.
post date: Nov.20.
submission date: Nov.30.
discussion date: Dec.3.
Please submit on Moodle!
Problem Set 8.
post date: Nov.27.
submission date: Dec.7.
discussion date: Dec.10.
Please submit on Moodle!
Problem Set 9.
(coming soon)
post date: Dec.4.
submission date: Dec.14.
discussion date: Dec.17.
Please submit on Moodle!
Problem Set 10.
post date: Jan.8.
submission date: Jan.18.
discussion date: Jan.20.
Please submit on Moodle!
Problem Set 11.
post date: Jan.15.
submission date: Jan.25.
discussion date: Jan.27.
Please submit on Moodle!
The Problem Sets will be posted on Fridays on this webpage;
The deadline for submission is on the following Mondays (so you have 10 days), you have to submit your work in the given drop-off link (and only if it does not work, then by email) by midnight;
I will contact you on Tuesday if I would like you to present one of your solutions on Thursday;
You are encouraged to work in groups on the problems;
But you have to write down the solutions by yourself without help;
You are not allowed to copy your solution from an online source or from your peers;
You should indicate every resource you have used on your submitted work (this includes the people you have worked with, books and webpages).
There are 11 Problem Sets, each containing three obligatory Problems, and some additional ones for fun and for occasional make-up;
From each problem set, I will randomly choose one of the three obligatory problems and correct the solutions only for that, a correct solution (submitted before the respective deadline) is worth 10 points;
Everyone will be asked to present two problems in total during the semester, and a flawless online presentation is worth 20 points;
I will calculate your grade assuming that the total is 130 points (so you can still get maximal points even if you miss to submit two of the problem sets).
The main goal of the problem session is that you learn the subject well, if you are working hard and you are still having troubles, then ask for help in an email;
Try to form study groups from the beginning.